BCM Alliance, partner rLoop win US$200mil order for virus reduction devices from Euro-China Tech

KUALA LUMPUR: BCM Alliance Bhd and partner rLoop Ltd have received a letter of offer from Euro-China Technology Achievement Transformation (Tianjin) Co Ltd (EC Tech) to buy 100,000 units of virus attenuation devices with a total sale of US$200 million (RM845 million).
In a statement today, BCM Alliance said the virus attenuation or reduction devices use photon mediated electrons and emitters under rLoop’s brand name of “rGuard” in the global market except for India.
At US$2,000 per unit, the price will include royalties, installation and debugging, operations and technology information training, data monitoring and maintenance services.
Besides that, rLoop has engaged BCM Alliance via a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to manufacture, test, configure, assemble, pack and/or ship the virus attenuation or reduction devices as well as provision of manufacturing services for the products.
A separate OEM manufacturing agreement between rLoop and BCM Alliance was underway, the company said.
“BCM Alliance will also be responsible for providing training to EC Tech on the functions and operations of the goods,” it said.
BCM Alliance executive director Hoo Swee Guan said the rGuard can be installed in all in-door areas and it has huge market potential.
“BCM Alliance is also authorised to market the products to global markets, except India.
“Fortunately, we receive a big order of US$200 million before we even start, and the future sales volume will bring very considerable turnover to our group,” he said.
BCM Alliance said all three parties would negotiate onwards a definitive agreement to formalise the significant order.